Thursday, September 20, 2012


Something happened when I turned 25. I got panicky. While I am nowhere near deserving of being called "old", I am acutely aware that I am an adult now.
Loads of people have accomplished way more than me by the age of 25, and good for them. Seriously. I realize ever more that I probably will never be famous, and that most of what I do doesn't impact many people. I am learning (slowly) to be okay with that.
My life is small and quiet. But it is a really, really good one.
Instead of making comparisons and feeling inadequate, I am focusing on the things that I have done. I have a healthy, wonderful relationship. I have friends and family who support me. I have meaningful hobbies. I can bake a mean cake. I know, or at least am coming closer to knowing, who I am.
These are the things that matter to me.
The above is a list of goals I made shortly after my 25th birthday, when I was feeling panicky and scared. I re-read them today for the first time since then, and I feel good about them. They may not be lofty goals, but I feel like they will help me continue to grow in the direction I want to go.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lessons Learned (and learning)

One of my favorite quotes concerning creativity comes from the inimitable Chuck Close. He writes, "Inspiration is for amateurs, the rest of us just show up and get to work". He goes on to say, " All the best ideas come out of process; they come out of the work itself".
Certainly this is true of my own work. I can sit in front of an empty page or document for hours waiting for inspiration to hit me like a bolt of lightning, but it will never come. My best inspiration comes when I am deep in a project, working feverishly, when suddenly it all comes into focus. In order to get to that point, one must get started, which is probably the scariest part. 

Today I will focus on getting started, on digging in. I can't just wait for inspiration to hit, I have to first show up and start working.

More food for thought, A Busy Designer is Never Stuck